Saturday, December 14th
The 2019 Christmas Bird Count will be held all day on Saturday, December 14th this year. Seven teams of area birders spend the day driving and hiking around the area identifying and counting as many birds as they can find. The information collected contributes to a citizen science project that has been running for more than a century. Important trends in population and distribution of species are studied using the data from this count. Many additional volunteers conduct feeder counts, spending some portion of their day at home watching their bird feeders. This is a particularly effective way to keep track of our winter bird population as a major portion of these species rely on feeders during the winter months when natural food supplies are limited. We close the day with a potluck at the home of Meg Kluge at 795 Bonnyvale Rd. Bring a dish to pass and help us compile our totals for the day. There is a friendly competition between teams to see which can find the most birds and species.
This event is always eager to welcome new participants, regardless of birding ability. The more sets of eyes we have the more birds we find, even if you can't tell what bird you saw - someone on your team will be able to. This is a great way to get to know members of the SVAS and spend some time outdoors in the winter. Most teams meet for breakfast and stop for lunch along the way.
If you are a returning participant, please coordinate with your team leader about details for the count. Area leaders are listed below. If you are a new participant, please e-mail Cory Ross at to sign up. Cory will help figure out which team you should join. If you are changing areas for any reason this year, please communicate with both area leaders and Cory.
We're looking forward to a great day of birding, socializing and eating!
2019 CBC Area Leaders
Area #1 Sunset Lake: Meg Kluge and Ned Pokras
Area #2 Dummerston: Cat Abbott
Area #3 Brattleboro and New Hampshire: Jeff Nugent
Area #4 Vernon/Guilford: Susan Wright
Area #5 West Brattleboro: Lani Wright
Area #6 Marlboro: Cherrie Corey
Area #7 Newfane: - we're still looking for a leader, contact Cory Ross if interested